
✨ Introducing Starter

Accelerate your Indie Journey with this Starter.

Designed to help you launch your next project faster by @amritwt ❤️

Trusted by alotta people (jk this is only for a sample)

Quick Start

Get your project off the ground quickly with our pre-configured setup.

Next.js Powered

Leverage the power of Next.js for server-side rendering and optimal performance. The best ngl.

Tailwind CSS Styling

Create beautiful, responsive designs effortlessly with Tailwind CSS.

PostgreSQL & Drizzle ORM

Robust database setup with PostgreSQL and easy data management using Drizzle ORM.

Email Integration

Seamless email functionality with Resend for transactional emails and notifications.


Secure authentication out of the box with Auth Js.

UI Component Library

Beautiful components from ShadCN, MagicUI, and Aceternity UI.

Developer Friendly

Built for developers, by developers. Easily extensible and customizable.